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SZU students participate in 2nd European Future Forum EYP

3AHITN, 3BHITN, 4AHWII 2021/22

On 17 November 2021, we had the great opportunity to attend the second European Future Forum, hosted by the European Youth Parliament (EYP) Austria. This year’s topics were „European Future Forum: Horizon Europe“ and „Research and Innovation: Where should science lead us?

This was our first virtual EYP event of the school year 21/22. Highlights were an expert talk by the special guest Philipp Brugner (Head of the Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna) and discussions about possible visions of the future. In our teams we took on the role of either delegate or chairperson. The event lasted over five hours and by the end we all left with a determination to work towards a better future.

Next day started with a welcome speech from the Head of EYP Austria Philipp Leindl. It was not only a warm greeting but also a little crash course about the EU and its institutions and fundamentals. After that came Philipp Brugner’s talk. It was a highly interactive experience, where everyone got to ask questions and discuss the topic.

Committee work was quite demanding. 150 participants from various EU countries were split up into committees to write ‚operative clauses‘ (OCs). We had a lot of fruitful discussions with respectful arguments concerning our topics and in the end we all compromised and developed very good resolutions.

Finally, attended the General Assembly. This time we discussed the solutions (OCs) from the different committees. After having our two resolutions examined by everyone else, we felt a sense of achievement and proud.

We were happy to have participated in this awesome online event. The EYP is all about speaking English, linking up with people digitally, exchanging ideas and learning new things, and most importantly, enjoying ourselves to the fullest.